Because this was a semi free day for the children, the class ended at about 1 and I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my day. The voltage in the current was very low and I found out when using my computer that it causes electrocution so I quickly put my computer away...I have had my share of electric shocks since I have been here. The hostel children were all grinning as if they had something desperately to ask me but just couldn't muster up the strength to do so. Lipi, Uttam's sister in law, broke the ice and told me that Monika, one of the hostel girls, wanted a hair cut. I couple of weeks back I cut my hair because it was too hot and once they saw that I could cut hair and I explained to them that I had been working in a hair salon since I was 14, they wanted me to cut their hair as well. One by one the hostel girls lined up at my door to receive haircuts. I was cutting off this beautiful long hair that people in America pay to to have. The girls were all so ecstatic, and so was I. Its been so long since I've had "clientele" and to see the girls smile and swing their hair as they walked away just made it pure fun.
The day ended with a bee sting, Bihu and Karbi dances from the younger hostel girls and boys, as well as an awesome comedy performance from the hostel boys. (I had to throw the bee sting in there, I HATE bees.) Oh yeah as well as with fried fish, fried potatoes, greens, and rice...a good ol' home style dinner with an Indian twist. I sat to think about what I would do since I wouldn't be teaching and I realized, that their is so much here for me to do. Even in just giving the hostel children haircuts, I granted them with something that they don't receive often. I understood prior to coming that things would not always go as planned, so just because I am not teaching doesn't mean my purpose here is null. Smiles and thank yous from the students and Uttam have let me know that the small contributions that I have given make a difference here at the academy and that makes me smile and say thank you as well for allowing me to come and take part in their lives. My mother would always thank God for liquid sunshine whenever it is raining, and today I thought of her as I thanked Him for it too. Even on a dull rainy day, I had an amazing time with the children, I am feeling much better, and I had the time to think of alternative things to do with the children. The rain seems dreary on the outside but the blessings throughout the day makes it nothing more than wet sunshine!!!!
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